Main case: the head of an angel below the right pointed tower
Main case: the head of an angel below the right pointed tower

Founding of the Promotional Society “ Organum gruningense redivivum - die Michael - Praetorius - Orgel für St. Martini in Halberstadt”

Report of the Founding of the “Promotional Society Organum gruningense redivivum - die Michael - Praetorius - Orgel für St. Martini in Halberstadt”

Date: 19th of April 2007
Place: Halberstadt, winter church of the Cathedral St. Stephanus
Participants: see the annex 1 - attendance list
Head of the Founding Assembly:: Schäffner/ Halberstadt, retired pastor
Recorder: Naumann/ Halberstadt

Halberstadt, 24th of April 2007

The participants of the founding assembly made the following decisions:

  1. The foundation of a society for the financial promotion of the rebuilding (reconstruction) of the David - Beck - organ in the Martinikirche in Halberstadt and for the support of the idea of this project
  2. The society is to assume the name “Förderverein Organum gruningense redivivum - die Michael - Praetorius - Orgel für St. Martini in Halberstadt”

The statutes of the society - see appendix 2 of this report - were discussed and accepted by unanimous vote.

Following members were voted into the Board of Directors:

  • Mr. Ulrich Schäffner, Superintendent-retired, D-38820 Halberstadt, -Chairman
  • Mr. Claus-Erhard Heinrich, Director of Church Music, D-38820 Halberstadt, -Co-chairman
  • Mr. Andreas Karger, Master of Engineering, D-38820 Halberstadt, - Treasurer
  • Mr. Dieter Naumann, Master of Engineering, D-38820 Halberstadt, - Secretary
  • Mr. Georg Bandarau, Manager for Culture, D-38820 Halberstadt, - Committee Member
  • Monsieur Prof. Jean Charles Ablitzer, Cathedral Organist, F-90300 Valdoie/ France, - Committee Member
  • Monsieur Christian Lutz, Organ Expert, F-67310 Dangolsheim/ France, -Committee Member

The signatures of the eight founding members are to be found in the appendix 2 (page 3) including handwritten signature of the statutes.

Responsible for the Report, according to the statutes



Appendix 1: Attendance List
Appendix 2: Statute of the Society
Appendix 3: List of the Board Members

1x per member of the board, see appendix 3
1x file of the society
1x notary’s office