Main case: the head of an angel below the right pointed tower
Main case: the head of an angel below the right pointed tower

Statutes of the Non-Profit Promotional Association „Organum gruningense redivivum – die Michael – Praetorius – Orgel für St. Martini in Halberstadt e.V.“

§1 Name and Location of the Association, Business Year

  1. The name of the Association is “Förderverein Organum gruningense redivivum - Die Michael-Praetorius-Orgel für St. Martini in Halberstadt”
  2. The Association includes the addition “registered Association” after its having been approved for the Registery of Associations for Saxony-Anhalt as the abbreviation “e.V.”.
  3. The location of the Association is Halberstadt.
  4. The business year corresponds the calendar year.

§2  Purpose and Intention of the Association

  1. The purpose of the Association is to realize the following goal: to rebuild the Gröningen castle organ in St. Martini in Halberstadt, the instrument of Michael Praetoriusbuilt by David Beck in the year 1596.
    In order to achieve this goal, the following measures will be pursued:
    a) The financial promotion of the rebuilding (reconstruction) of the David-Beck-organ in St. Martini in Halberstadt and the propagation of the idea of the project
    b) Inclusion of the the historical organ-case in St. Martini in Halberstadt and the organ-case of the Protestant church in Harsleben as part of a solution for preserving the organ there
    c) Suggestions of solutions for the relocation of the current Röver-organ (Hausneindorf) and scope of its performance
    d) Construction changes for the existing tribunal
  2. The financial basis of the Association consists of membership fees, donations, income from collections and events, support by public institutions, other modes of donation.
  3. The Non-Profit Association pursues exclusively non-profit and cultural goals in legal sense of the article “tax-advantaged purposes” of the tax-code.
  4. The Association works selflessly and does not pursue its own economical objectives.
  5. Funds of the Association can only be used for purposes in correspondence with the statutes.
  6. All functions of the Association are conducted on a voluntary basis without pay.

§ 3  Membership

  1. Members of the Association can be individual, corporate and persons with no legal position
  2. Acceptance to the Association takes place in written form. The Board determines the acceptance of new members. In the case of rejection complaint is permissible to the members’ assembly.
  3. The Board can appoint persons as honorary members.
  4. Membership expires by death, written notice of resignation to the Board or by exclusion.
  5. Resignation of a member can be stated to the Board in written form at any time.
  6. Members of the Association who do not perform their obligations or act in a manner contrary to the interests of the society can be excluded by the board. Main reasons for exclusion are the following:
    - conduct that impairs the image or the interests of the Association
    - crude infringements or offences against statute or decisions of the meeting of the members,
    - non-payment of the membership fee despite of written demand. A complaint against the decision of exclusion by the assembly of the members can be lodged within one month.

§ 4 Membership Fee

  1. Every member is committed to paying an annual membership fee , except for persons under eighteen.
  2. The amount of the contribution is decided by the meeting of the members.
  3. The amount is due the 31st of March of the current year.

§ 5 Organs of the Association

Organs of the Association are the following:

  1. The general assembly of all members
  2. The Board

§ 6 The General Assembly of the Members

  1. At least once a year a general assembly of the members takes place, to which the Board invites all members by written information of the topics listed for the day two weeks prior to the meeting.
  2. The assembly of the members is to be convoked if one third of the members request it in written form. In this case the convocation is to be held within six weeks.
  3. Every convened assembly of the members meeting statutory requirements must have a quorum. The Board presides over the assembly of the members. Minutes are to be kept for every meeting of the members and to be signed by the chairman and the secretary.
  4. The resolutions of the assembly of the members are adopted by a simple majority; exceptions are resolutions concerning modification of the statutes or concerning the disbanding of the Association. These cases require a majority of three thirds of the members. The meeting of the members vote in open ballot so long as there is no request for a secret ballot.
  5. Every member has one vote.
  6. The assembly of the members is headed by the chairman or his substitute.

§ 7 Functions of the Assembly of Members

  1. Election of the Board.
  2. Election of the auditors.
  3. Acceptance of the annual report together with annual financial statement and discharge of the Board for the elapsed year.
  4. Setting the amount of the membership fee.
  5. Consideration and taking of decisions regarding key questions and changing of the statutes and dissolution of the Association.
  6. Consideration and taking of decisions concerning schedule of activities for the current year.

§ 8 The Board of Directors

  1. The Board represents the Association at court and out of court.
  2. The Board is elected by the assembly of the members for a length of three years. It administers the official duties until the new Board assumes the official duties.
  3. The Board is comprised of seven members for the purpose of § 26 BGB
    - chairman
    - co-chairman
    - treasurer
    - secretary
    - committee member
    - committee member
    - committee member
  4. The Board elects from its members the chairman, the co-chairman, the treasurer and the secretary.
  5. The chairman or the co-chairman must be present at sessions.
  6. The power of representation is limited at the chairman or the co-chairman and another member of the board in effect against third parties.
  7. Minutes are required for all sessions of the Board.
  8. The Board is allowed to appoint an Advisory Board for specialized interests. The Advisory Board exercises an advisory function.

§ 9 Functions of the Board

  1. The Board conducts the business affairs of the Association.
  2. The Board executes the decisions of the members' assembly.
  3. The Board establishes a budget, a plan for events, and an action plan and the annual report for the assembly of the members.
  4. The Board makes decisions concerning admittance or exclusion.

§ 10 Dissolution

In the case of dissolution of the Association or in the case of impossible realization of its original purpose for existence , one half of its assets fall to the organ fund of the Protestant Church of the Church Province Saxony and the other half to the Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Halberstadt . The funds are to be used exclusively for restoration of historical organs erected before 1850.

Amtsgericht Stendal