20. Mär 2013
The promotional society OGR is in need of financial support for the realization of its objective - the rebuilding of the David-Beck-organ in St. Martini in Halberstadt. Every donation is a help. Therefore, we have created four attractive “Donation Letters”: the Bronze Donation Letter for 25 €, the Silver Donation Letter for 50 €, the Golden Donation Letter 100 € and the Premium Donation Letter for donations of more than 100 €. You can support the objective of the society by buying of one of these “Donation Letters”. Please transfer your donation to the account-nr. 300 005 652, Harzsparkasse, bank code number 810 520 00 – with the reference “Spende Beckorgel” and state your full address. Following this payment, the society will send you the Donation Letter and a donation certificate by mail. (International payment transaction IBAN: DE49 8105 2000 0300 0056 52, BIC: NOLADE21HRZ). We thank you in advance.